Asked Questions
What kind of artists does Two Keys Records work with?
We work with emerging artists across a range of genres, with a focus on laidback, vocal-driven music such as soft pop, indie-folk, and acoustic music.
What does Two Keys Records offer to artists?
At Two Keys Records, our primary offering is a streamlined process for your music releases. We provide a comprehensive range of services including digital distribution, marketing, strategy, project management, and data analysis. Our goal is to take care of the logistical aspects of your music releases, allowing you to focus on your craft. By using data-driven strategies, we ensure your music reaches the right audience, maximizing its potential. In addition to these services, we also offer the opportunity for your music to be submitted to sync agencies. This means your music could potentially be featured in films, series, and advertisements, providing additional exposure and opportunities for your music to resonate with a wider audience.
What is your policy on signing artists?
At Two Keys Records, we adopt a unique approach of signing single songs or projects rather than the artist(s), with a fair 50/50 revenue split. We sign songs for a period of 10 years, with the option to extend the collaboration if desired. We are committed to ensuring that your music continues to reach the right audience and doesn't get "shelved".
How long does the process from submitting my music to release take?
While we have the capability to release your songs within a few days, we believe in the importance of proper marketing and recommend a timeline of about 5 to 6 weeks for a single song. This allows us to structure and strategize effectively, ensuring that your music reaches the right audience and maximizes its potential.
What kind of marketing and pre-save campaigns does Two Keys Records run?
We leverage data from platforms like Spotify, YouTube, and Soundcloud to create targeted marketing campaigns. Our focus is on building a long-term audience for your music, rather than a transient "come/go" audience. We identify and reach out to your true fans, ensuring that your music resonates with those who will appreciate it the most.
How are payments handled at Two Keys Records?
For digital streams on all major platforms, our distribution partner, Ingrooves, uses an automated payment system. The remaining balance is paid out to the artist with a delay of about 2 months. For YouTube, we have a special partner, The District, who also uses an automated system that operates in the same way.
What does the process look like after I submit my music?
Due to our strong focus on streamlining, we will have several questions about you as an artist, your project, and your song. As we encourage artists to return, we build a database together that serves as a basis for further releases. The questions about the songs help us cover everything from setup, advertising to sync. This allows us to proceed precisely and conduct adequate marketing. So please take your time to answer everything.
How does Two Keys Records support artists in developing their brand and image?
As we work on a single or EP basis, we primarily focus on the project of collaboration. However, for repeatedly returning artists, we expand the offer and help them form their artist identity, develop ideas. We also plan to provide social media posting strategies for such artists in the near future.
How can I contact Two Keys Records?
Please use the contact form on our Contact page to get in touch with us.
How can I submit my music to Two Keys Records?
Please use the submission form on our Submissions page to submit your music.