The Patch - Totoro

Arising unexpectedly from a well of introspection, 'Totoro' stands as a poignant reflection of Simon's journey. This introspective singer-songwriter from Leoben, Austria, captures the essence of transitioning from a dreamer to a doer. The song recounts a winter adventure, echoing the chill of the experience and the warmth of realization. It serves as a reminder of the stark difference between passive dreaming and active living.

Drawing parallels with the timeless Ghibli film, 'Totoro' evokes that familiar yearning many feel: the desire to break free from the confines of our screens and imaginations and step into genuine, tangible adventures. Crafting this song stirred deep emotions in Simon, and he hopes it speaks to others at a crossroads between dreams and action. It's a gentle nudge, urging listeners to cherish the real moments over the imaginary ones.

While the song may have a personal genesis, its message is universal. 'Totoro' addresses all who've found themselves lost in thought, reminding them of the adventures that lie just beyond their comfort zones.

The Patch's dedication to genuine storytelling and his ability to translate personal experiences into profound musical expressions make 'Totoro' a standout track. A song that encourages us to live actively, embrace every fleeting moment, and cherish the beauty of the present.

For those seeking a musical companion on their journey of self-discovery and active living, 'Totoro' awaits. Dive into its evocative melodies and let its profound message resonate with your spirit.

Listen to the track here.


The Patch - Storms